Monday, August 10, 2009


So Me and Dave, Steph and Darren and their 3 boys, and Dan and Danielle and their 2 girls all went to Los Angeles, California for the weekend. We had a really fun time just basically hanging out and going to the beach everyday! We did make a stop at Downtown Disney, as well, and had a fun time looking around there!

When we first got there, we went to California Pizza Kitchen to eat. Ali and Aubrey were posing great for us!


Before leaving, Dave had to get a pic of me on the CPK delivery bike.


 While at Downtown Disney, we stopped at the Lego store there. Dan and Dave, of course, had to pose with the Darth Vader.


 This is a classic "Dave" moment. While browsing through the stores, Dave decided to try on Snow White's outfit and wig. Doesn't he just look adorable?


 While at the beach, Cameron, Cole, and Caden all wanted Dave and Dan to bury them and form it into something. I don't have a picture of Cameron...I forget what he was. Cole wanted to be a buff man and Caden wanted to be an octopus. So, their wish was granted...


 The boys all surprised us with these bike/cart thingys. We had 2 of them and got to ride around the streets on them. It was lots of fun!


 On the last day, Darren decided he wanted to start digging a HUGE hole in the sand. He was just digging. Then Dave and him decided it would be cool to dig a tunnel. It turned out to be really awesome! They were able to get all 3 boys through a couple of times. Even Dave and Darren crawled through!


 Well, the tunnel eventually sad. So we then decided to bury Cameron, Steph, Caden, Darren, and Cole. It was pretty funny. They actually ended up using this picture for their Christmas cards, adding Santa hats and saying, "We've been buried up to our necks this year". Funny stuff.


 We had a fun time in Cali. We try to go every summer! This next summer we are going to try to rent out a camping spot that's just a walk away from the beach! It would definitely change things up!


Heather, Todd, Elliana, & Sienna said...

This looks like so much fun! I totally wish we could have been there and hung out with you guys on that warm beach!

The Hardy Party! said...

Yeah, it wasn't that warm, even though it was the middle of summer! It was in the 70s, but with an ocean breeze blowing on you, it gets a bit chilly. I barely even got in the water! I was wrapped up on the beach the whole time! haha

Cheri said...

Dave just can't seem to hold back his creativity no matter where you are at! Just give him something to mold, paint, or manipulate, and he'll turn it into something original and imaginative! What fun!