Monday, August 31, 2009

Recent Events

Sooo...what's been going on with us, you ask? Well, we've done quite a bit of things!

This summer we took a week and a half trip to Alaska with 1 week of it being on a cruise! It was so awesome and loads of fun...many pictures to come of it!

After we got back, we had 2 days to catch up on our work and we were off to California for a beach trip. I mean, after Alaska, we had to do an opposite trip, right? We went to Dan, Danielle, the girls, Darren, Steph, and their boys. It was a lot of to come of that too.

Before school started, I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out. I was super sore for a week and am still a little sore now...being like, 3 weeks later. But at least it's done!

Our computer really sucked. That is why the pictures are to come because, luckily I still kept all our recent pics on the camera, I just need to upload them again. Basically the only stuff we really lost was all our music/books on iTunes, and all our pictures. The pictures are online on our Flickr site, but it's going to take a ton of time getting them off!!! Note: if you know a quick way to do it, that would be GREAT!

School started. I'm taking 14 credits, which isn't too bad, but they are all finance classes, so that's fun. I plan on graduating in May 2010, and I'm super stoked! It's exciting. Dave's still not sure what the heck he's doing with school...

And finally.....WE ARE 90% SURE WE'RE GETTING A HOUSE!!! We are supposed to be signing loan papers and closing papers this week and then we'll have it...if all goes according to plan. We are super excited and already have a ton of things planned for it! of the house are to come. We have some "before" pics of what we'll be doing and then we'll take some "after" pics so you can comment.

So, that's a short update. When I have more time, I'll put some pics up! Love ya!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm sorry about your wisdom teeth. I remember when I did that, it wasn't fun at all. How's school? I am so glad you are getting close to being done. Yeah!!!